If you purchased a product and believe it’s a counterfeit,
you may be entitled to monetary compensation.
With the rise of e-commerce platforms and online marketplaces the counterfeit industry is projected to exceed $3 trillion in 2022. Often counterfeiters disguise themselves as the authentic brand using their imagery, packaging, and messaging causing customers to inadvertently purchase a counterfeit thinking the product was real.
Counterfeit goods can cause significant danger to consumers and are typically low quality and not regulated.
Counterfeit Industries include:
- Clothing
- Accessories (ex: shoes, bags, sunglasses, jewelry)
- Electronics
- Health & Beauty Products
- Toys
- Vitamins/Supplements
- Baby food/formula
We are a leading, anti-counterfeiting law firm. If you believe you purchased a counterfeit product, fill out the form below an attorney will review your case.